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Война в Южной Осетии: 89 фотографий Аркадия Бабченко

Этот пост целиком и полностью посвящен репортажу Аркадия Бабченко из зоны боевых действий в Грузии. Аркадий из Владикавказа добрался до Джавы, затем до Цхинвали, участвовал в штурме Земо-Никози, проследовал с батальоном “Восток” в направлении Гори и уже на пути туда вернулся на вертолете с ранеными.

Короткие заметки Аркадия о 4 днях на войне можете прочитать здесь:

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в продолжении 88 фото, 15Mb

© : Аркадий Бабченко,

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  1. Infidel753 August 19, 2008

    Thank you for making these photographs available.

    I do not know in detail how this conflict started, but it does seem that Russia intervened to stop a war which was creating upheaval near its border, and to protect people with Russian citizenship who were being killed. I’ve been asking other Americans what they think our country would do if similar things were happening to American citizens near our border.

    In any case, photographs can bring home the reality of what has been happening in a way that words cannot.

    (Izvinyayus o angliskom yazyke. Ya ne govoryu po-russkii ochen khorosho.)

  2. Karridine August 19, 2008

    “Should any nation rise against another, ALL OTHER NATIONS must arise against it!” says Baha’u’llah, the Glory of God (al-Mahdi)

    If only we would LISTEN to Him, and obey! Russia would learn a thing or two about humility!

  3. SoCalMTB August 20, 2008

    Hey Dip-Shit Abzdfg , it’s Russia and the USSR. Get the facts Jack!

    1. War against Finland – 1939
    2. Invasion of Hungary
    3. Invasion of Latvia
    4. Invasion of Estonia
    5. Invasion of Litunania

    So shove it up your ARSE!!

    // 1. Which country started more wars: Russia or USA?

  4. ALi Cakar August 20, 2008

    He told that ““hiç kimse Saakashvili’nin masum olduğunu söyleyemez.”
    It means Noone claims that Saakashvili is innocent in this case.

    If he would speak English or russian, I’m sure that he would write it in either language. Polinesian or Dutch is better. Will you both understand those languages?

    R u becoming racist or what??? u r well americanized I guess.


    Elena said,

    Комментарий • Август 18, 2008 @ 2:37 пп

    ακιρα said,

    Comment • August 17, 2008 @ 9:38 pm

    Re: “hiç kimse Saakashvili’nin masum olduğunu söyleyemez.”

    That’s all γριικ to me.

    I wonder, do you speak any civilized languages?

    polinesian will be better ;) such photos don’t need tourko comments. Great respect to journalist Arkadiy

  5. Elena August 20, 2008

    To @Ali Cakar – the case is not in “being americanized” – comments should be understood by international community, that watches such extraordinary and shocking photos, and not only addressing to closed tourkophonic society.
    It’s a case of respect not only to oneself, but also and first of all people, depicted here on the photos, and a hero journalist.

  6. Akira August 20, 2008

    Ali Cakar,

    Thank you for writing in a civilized language. There’s nothing wrong, per se, with posting in Turkish or =|Kx’au||’ein, Blang or Khumi Awa. But it’s unreasonable to expect civilized people who haven’t specialized in the study of the languages of savages to understand.


    + + +

    As for this comment: “1. War against Finland 2. Invasion of Hungary 3. Invasion of Latvia 4. Invasion of Estonia 5. Invasion of Litunania So shove it up your ARSE!! // 1. Which country started more wars: Russia or USA?”

    I believe those conflicts you listed were the responsibility of the following Georgians, Ukrainians, non-Russian Jews, Macedonians, Poles and Germans: Stalin, Zinoviev, Krushchov, Brezhnev, Andropov, Beria, Dzierżyński, etc.

    (I’m not sure who invaded Litunania? Which continent is that in?)

  7. Akira August 20, 2008

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to insinuate that Ali Cakar wrote that idiotic and bigoted comment of SoCalMTB’s.

  8. Akira August 20, 2008

    Re Blood-thirsty war-mongering Russians:

    Spot any Russians in this list?

    For your research.

    Can you spot any Russians here:

    Iosef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, Feliks Edmundowicz Dzierżyński, Grigoriy Konstantinovich Ordzhonikidze, Gaioz Devdariani, Eduard Shevardnadze, Panteleimon and Igor Giorgadze, Lev Davidovich Bronstein [Leon Trotsky], Ovsei-Gershon Aronovich Radomyslsky [Gregory Yevseevich Zinoviev], Karol Sobelsohn [Karl Berngardovich Radek], Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchov, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Tikhonov, Vladimir Antonovich Ivashko, Anastas Hovhannesi Mikoyan, Andrei Aleksandrovich Zhdanov, Andrei Andreyevich Gromyko, Matvei Konstantinovich Muranov, Dmitry Manuilsky, Chinghiz Aitmatov, Emma Goldmann, Berthold Brecht, Alexander Berkman, Johannes Vares, Angelica Balabanoff , Hovhannes Khachatury Bagramyan, Ferenc Gyurcsány, Mir Cəfər Abbas oğlu Bağırov, Jaan Anvelt [Eessaare Aadu, Jaan Holm, Jaan Hulmu, Kaarel Maatamees, Onkel Kaak], Boriss Karlovich Pugo, Absamat Masaliyevich Masaliyev, Apas Jumagulov, Absamat Masaliyev, Askar Akayevt, Maksim Ammosov, Aleksey Vagov, Nikolay Bogolyubov, Iskhak Razzakov, Turdakun Usubaliyev, Jumgalbek Amanbayev, Askar Akayevich Akayev, Petro Mykolayovich Symonenko, Vladimir Nicolae Voronin, Zinaida Greceanîi, Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev, Pinches Borutsch [Pavel Borisovich Axelrod], Sultan Ibraimov, Dinmukhamed (Dimash) Akhmeduly Konayev, Vincas Kudirka, Mumin Khojaev, Ali Shervoni, Shirinsho Shotemur, Mirzo Dovud Guseinov, Grigory Broydo, Suren Shadunz, Dmitry Protopopov, Bobojon Ghafurov, Tursun Uljabaev, Jabor Rasulov, Leszek Kołakowski, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Rahmon Nabiyev, Qahhor Mahkamov. Christian Rakovsky, Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov, Ruben Tovmasyan, Mirza Davud, Grigory Kaminsky, Sergey Kirov, Levon Mirzoyan, Nikolay Gikalo, Vladimir Polonsky, Emil Bodnăraş, Ruben Rubenov (Mkrtchyan), Elena Ceauşescu, Mir Jafar Baghirov , Mir Teimur Yakubov, Imam Mustafayev, Veli Akhundov, Heidar Aliyev, Kyamran Bagirov, Abdulrahman Vezirov, György Pálffy, Gábor Péter, Ayaz Mütallibov, Abülfaz Elçibay, Dimitar Blagoev, Vulko Chervenkov, Georgi Dimitrov, Adrian Păunescu, Iosif Roitman [Iosif Chişinevschi], Alexandru Sahia, Urunboi Ushturov, Tsola Dragoicheva, Traicho Kostov, Imre Nagy, Aleksandur Lilov, Andrey Lukanov, Petar Mladenov, Alexander Paunov, Stanko Todorov, Anton Yugov, Todor Zhivkov, Rudolf Barák, Edvard Beneš, Oldřich Černík, Bohuslav Chňoupek, Vladimír Clementis, Alexander Dubček, Zdeněk Fierlinger, Jan Frankel, Michał Rola-Żymierski, Yoldosh Akhunbabayev, Chinor Emomov, Julius Fučík, Klement Gottwald, Jiří Hájek, Vladimír Holan, Gustáv Husák, Antonín Janoušek, Arnošt Kolman, Karel Kosík, Antonín Novotný, Ivan Olbracht, Radovan Richta, Viliam Široký, Rudolf Slánský, Bohumír Šmeral, Lubomír Štrougal, Jan Šverma, Ludvík Svoboda, Antonín Zápotocký, József Attila, Mihály Biró, Tibor Déry, István Dobi, István Eörsi, Nicolae Ceauşescu, Mihály Farkas, Rudolf Földvári, Ernő Gerő, Károly Grósz, Zygmunt Bauman, András Hegedűs, Ágnes Heller, Béla Illés, János Kádár, László Kardos, Mihály Károlyi, Lajos Kassák, Anna Kéthly, Béla Kun, Pál Losonczi, Géza Losonczy, Vasile Luca [László Luka], Georg Lukács, Jindřich Zelený, Tamás Major, Pál Maléter, György Marosán, Péter Medgyessy, Ernő Mihályfi, Aladár Mód, Tamás Nagy, Vasil Kolarov, László Piros, Karl Polanyi, Georges Politzer, László Rajk, Mátyás Rákosi, József Révai, Endre Ságvári, Erwin Szabó, Árpád Szakasits, András Szalai, Tibor Szamuely, Béla Szász, Sándor Szerényi, József Szilágyi, István Szirmai, Tibor Szőnyi, Imre Vajda, Eugen Varga, Zoltán Vas, Sándor Zöld, Mordechaj Anielewicz, Bolesław Bierut, Stanisław Brzozowski, Józef Cyrankiewicz, Ignacy Daszyński, Isaac Deutscher, Marek Edelman, Israel Epstein, Edward Gierek, Władysław Gomułka, Ludwik Hass, Piotr Ikonowicz, Piotr Jaroszewicz, Wojciech Jaruzelski, Leo Jogiches, Michał Kalecki, Stanisław Kania, Kazimierz Kelles-Krauz, Oskar Lange, Abraham Léon, Julian Marchlewski, Kazimierz Mijal, Leszek Miller, Edward Ochab, Stefan Piekarczyk, Daniel Podrzycki, Stanisław Radkiewicz, Adam Rapacki, Konstanty Rokossowski, Irena Sendler, Daniel Singer, Marian Spychalski, Maria Szyszkowska, Józef Unszlicht, Adolf Warski, Ludwik Waryński, Wanda Wasilewska, Aleksander Zawadzki, Gheorghe Apostol, Ecaterina Arbore, Silviu Brucan, Gheorghe Cristescu, Alexandru Dobrogeanu-Gherea, Constantin Dobrogeanu-Gherea, Alexandru Drăghici, Teohari Georgescu, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, Max Goldstein, Vitali Holostenco, Panait Istrati, Elek Köblös, Gheorghe Gaston Marin, Petru Groza, Ion Iliescu, David Korner, Vasile Luca, Corneliu Mănescu, Ion Gheorghe Maurer, Vasile Milea, Adrian Năstase, Lucreţiu Pătrăşcanu, Hannah Rabinsohn [Ana Pauker], Marcel Pauker, Isaac Deutscher, Tristan Tzara, Ilie Verdeţ

  9. James August 21, 2008

    Hey SoCalMTB:

    Get YOUR facts straight. The US started the Colonial Revolution, the War of 1812, Mexican-American War (troops moved to border to start provocation), the Civil War, the Invasion of Grenada, the Invasion of Panama and the Second Gulf War.

    Wars the US provoked or were complicit in starting, mistaken in starting, or were complicit in continuing: the Spanish-American War (US declared war after sinking of USS Maine and calls to attack prior to the sinking), Vietnam War (US entered war as South Vietnam’s Ally), War in Afghanistan (US attacked them and it is still going on), the First Gulf War (Dept of State gave SH the green light), and the South Ossetia-Georgian-Russo War (US, Israel and NATO provided training to a tyrant’s military that got its butt kicked). Certainly, there are much more.

    Try to learn more about history.

  10. RabbiT August 22, 2008

    Не понимаю причину такого ажиотажа. Ничего нового и мнения разные.

  11. Erik K. August 22, 2008

    Aloha from Hawaii. I really don ‘t understand this war. The American media machine is claiming Russia is at fault. Can someone please clarify at best what has happened and why ? Thank you and find peace.

  12. Akira August 24, 2008


    – Communism discredited, finished (for a while…) in Eastern & Central Europe

    – Long-suppressed ethnic & national conflicts surface.

    – Slovenia & Croatia & Bosnians split from Yugoslavia. Serbs & Croats split from Bosnia, Serbs split from Croatia, Croats drive out Serbs, Albanians split from Serbia, Georgia splits from USSR, Abkhazia & South Ossetia split from Georgia, etc etc etc

    – Germany promotes division of Yugoslavia, just as it did in WWII and promoted anti-Serbism in WW!

    – NATO sides with Croats and Albanian & Bosnian Muslims against Serbs.

    – US etc bomb Bosnian Serbs & later Serbia

    – Russia supports Yugoslavia, then Serbia

    – US etc say Yugoslavia must be divided, then says Bosnia must never divide, then says Serbia must be divided, then says Kosovo cannot be divided, then says Georgia cannot be divided

    – US etc treaty (& UN Res. 1244) with Yugoslavia/Serbia commits NATO etc to defend Serb territorial integrety, then they “legalize” split of Kosovo from Serbia

    – Most residents of S. Ossetia & Abkh. are Russian citizens.

    – Abaz & SO split from Georgia 17 years ago. Fighting. De facto independent since then. CIS Peacekeepers (mostly Russian) there ever since.

    – US & Soros back Saakashvili in Georgia, want Georgia & Ukraine in NAO

    – NATO rejects Georgia & Ukr. as too unstable and likely to draw WNATO into conflict with Russia.

    – Crimea was Russian. Ukrainian leader of USSR, Krushchov gifted Crimea to Ukraine. Crimea is now base of Russia’s Black Sea fleet

    – Ukraine, US (and Israeli private security firms) arm and train Georgians

    – Georgia attacks SO and Russians there.

    – Russia smacks Georgia around

    – US adamantly backs Georgia

    – Russians have dismantled and confiscated entire Georgian defense capabilities

    – US ancient Cold Warriors who are too confused by Muslim war on non-Muslims and crave return to easier to understand West vs USSR try to re-create Cold War. People who are afraid to say that Islam is a threat find it easier to say Rooskies are evil.

    – Russia is about half an inch away from a dictatorship, so makes an easy target

    – Israel regrets arming and training Georgia, Syria tries to suck up to Russia. Russia lets Israel know they could be “punished” somehow, but Russia will gracefully overlook offence. Now Israel will try not to offend Russia as Russia has influence over Iran and arms Syria etc

    – And on and on it goes…

    Any questions?

  13. Akira August 24, 2008


    Further complications:

    – NATO founded to combat USSR. Only NATO military ops have been to defend or civilize Muslims post-USSR [Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan]

    – West is much more democratic and liberal than Russia, but Russia is morally and legally correct in Balkans and Caucasus

    – Ukraine, Georgia etc like to portray themselves as victims of Russian USSR, but many USSR leaders were not Russian.

    – West usually allied with Muslims against Russians and Balkan Orthodox Christians

    – Majority of NATO powers [esp. US. UK, Germany] are Protestant and/or Secular. When they talk about “civilizing” Russia, they mean it should also be Protestant. Secular or mildly Roman Catholic. They don’t know this is what they mean, but that is what they think of as “normal”. Russians understand such talk as anti- [Orthodox] Christian

    – US made policies based on idea that Russia is now weak

    – Russia wants to make sure Georgia is never viewed by NATO as a viable NATO member

    – Georgia turned to Russia for protection from Muslims more than 230 years ago. Georgia part of Russian empire 158 years before Hawaii was a US state. Many Georgians speak Russians. Many Russians and Georgians have contacts or intermarrying. Therefore it is not “alien” territory to Russia.

    – I suspect many Georgians are less anti-Russian than their present government is.

    Bottom line: Russia and Russians see NATO and US and West as a threat

  14. 12HCat August 24, 2008

    redlight, НАМ промыли мозги ?
    Может быть ты попросишь санитаров, чтобы тебе сделали двойную дозу уколов и ты вернешься в реальный мир ? Или так и будешь жить в 60х годах 20го века, думая о зомбированных коммунистами “рюсских”.
    Я сам был там. Я – против войны. Но я ЗА то , чтобы уничтожить любого, кто смеет обижать наших граждан. Уничтожить так, чтобы даже в мыслях не было больше у прочих – поднять оружие на женщин, детей, стариков,просто людей.
    Иди, поцелу

  15. 12HCat August 24, 2008

    redlight, тебе пора уже вернуться в реальный мир из 60х годов прошлого века, в которых ты до сих пор думаешь о “зомбированных коммунистами рюсских”.
    Или – ди поцелуй логотип святой CNN, которая одна говорит тебе правду.
    Любой, кто поднимет оружие на наших граждан будет наказан. Еще Невский предупреждал, да кт же на Западе учит хотя бы свою историю…
    Я – был там. Я – видел что там было на самом деле.
    А тебе советую пойти и пожалеть себя бедного, живущего в мире, полного таких злых людей как мы…

  16. Keith August 25, 2008

    The bear has lost all but a few of its teeth. They fly backfire bombers over the pole around the edges of all the western countries to show they are still a viable threat. (its sad really, how pathetic they have become). Now they invade a little country that is friendly to the west because Russia is fearful they will become a part of Nato. Russia has developed enough in the way of intelligence gathering to realize that their very best anti aircraft systems have become obsolete because of America’s technological superiority-(remember Israel’s raid on Syria’s nuclear reactor where they never saw the planes coming?) Their ICBM’s are only 40% operational, and their biggest fear is Americas development and semi-secret deployment of an incredibly advanced missile defense shield that will not allow any of Russia’s missiles to reach their targets. The Russian people as a whole are good people. Its just a shame that they have a former KGB agent who is still smarting over the collapse of the USSR and longs for the good old days of absolute rule through terror. He wants for people to fear being dragged out of their homes in the middle of the night, being “re-educated” in the camps of Siberia. With this fear re-established, he has back his complete control. Sadly, some day in the future the Russian army, navy and air force will utterly be destroyed in a war they will start, mothers will weep for their dead sons, wives will mourn for their missing husbands and children will cry for fathers who will never be coming home. I call on the Russian people to take back their country from the likes of Putin before its too late.

  17. Kristeen August 26, 2008

    elena and akira,
    u can not classify languages as civilized or non civilized. Are you aware that hitler also classified people as civilized or non civilized, made a genocide according to that criteria?
    if u believe that english is a civilized language, i am sorry but u are at the edge of being racist. Next step is to forbidden languages just according to that stupid criteria and the last step is to kill people just because of their languages. That’s how hitler did!
    a lot of people died even only at this tragedy, and u are talking about civilization? Come on! So show respect to other languages and cultures, that are different than english.

  18. Akira August 27, 2008


    Thank you for writing in a civilized language.

    If you had written in =|Kx’au||’ein, Blang or Khumi Awa, I would have had more trouble figuring out tht you are calling me a Nazi mass murderer.

    As much as I should be offended, I am even more cognizant of your unfortunate dementia, and I sympathize with anyone who has obviously never had an orgasm.

  19. Hungary August 27, 2008

    Hey Guys,

    I am a Hungarian, and far to be sympatethic to any ideology other than humanity. I think it is better to have a strong country lead by a half dictator who has the national interest in his focus than being the total slave of the froreign liberal powers in your own country. Putin is not democrat but he does not let his nation to be colonized and brain washed by the liberals as it happens in my country. Let’s not bring paralael between 1956 Hungary and Georgia. To do this is just simple ignorance to dug deeper into the situation but shooting opinion from the hip.

  20. Akira August 29, 2008

    Re: “Let’s not bring paralael between 1956 Hungary and Georgia.”

    Czech president Klaus made the same point about the invocation of Sudetenland & Prague Spring as some sort of parallels to Russia-South Ossetia-Georgia.

    “One European leader talks sense about Georgian thugs”:

    “Klaus went on to say that to compare Mikheil Saakashvili to Alexander Dubček would be an insult to Dubček, and that the much-cited example of the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia to the Russian defense of South Ossetia is specious and misleading since Czechoslovaks did not slaughter their fellow citizens.”

    I believe that Saakashvili is literally demented, but his insane raving about Czech ’39, Hungary ’56, Czech ’68, and Solidarnosc seems to have been effective with both the left and right across Europe and the US.

  21. Akira August 29, 2008

    I showed an acquaintance the video of Saakashvili eating his tie, to show how demented he is, and she said, “Oh, the poor man, look at the stress the Russians have put him through!”

  22. asdhuiahdi September 1, 2008

    fuck USA. good job rusia

  23. Alucard September 1, 2008

    War is the stupidest kind of politics. But it still seems to give people with no other language except violence and to understand. Both Putin and Saakashvili are politicians who have nothing more in a modern world are looking to have a world that is supposedly striving for peace.

    Sorry for my bad english, i use a translation Prog.

  24. Simon September 3, 2008

    It appears that many of the commentators would choose yet more war.

    They should be careful what they wish for.

  25. Stephen September 11, 2008

    Crimea was Russian. Ukrainian leader of USSR, Krushchov gifted Crimea to Ukraine. Crimea is now base of Russia’s Black Sea fleet

    Actually, Krym (Crimea) was Tartar territory til the Russian empire appropriated it prior to the USSR.

    Ukraine, Georgia etc like to portray themselves as victims of Russian USSR, but many USSR leaders were not Russian.

    All of what Russia considers its “near abroad” has been victimized by Russia at various times during the last seven centuries. Simply because Russian leaders were not Russian does not mean that these nations and peoples were not victims of Russian imperialism and tyrany. Hitler was not ethnically German. Does this mean that the Poles, Czecks, Ukrainians, Jews, etc. were not victimized by the Germans? No, it does not. Moreover, a lot of what is going on is a direct result of Russian policies (such as Russification in the Caucasus and in its western neighbors: Ukraine, Moldova, etc.).

    morally and legally correct in Balkans and Caucasus

    According to what authority (on the legal side)? Re: morally correct — on what grounds? What has the Russian state done in history that doesn’t serve it’s own interests first and foremost?

    Bottom line: Russia and Russians see NATO and US and West as a threat

    Russia sees most everything as a threat, I’m sorry to say. Sometimes because there are threats and sometimes because it knows little else than confrontation.

    None of my comments are meant to justify the war or Sakashvili’s actions; only to call out the absurdity of posing Russia as the victim in these situations.

  26. Stephan Fourie September 24, 2008

    There is no truth, for truth is a “perspective” for any interest group.

    Do not rejoice in his defeat you men
    For although mankind stood up and killed the beast of war
    The bitch that bore him is in heat again.

    Bertolt Brecht

    …Once again?

  27. Jana September 24, 2008

    While politicians win their arguments and send its youth to die, it is us children and woman who has to bleed and be the true losers of warfare.
    War sucks and can never be won by any side.

  28. Un Roman September 24, 2008

    bagabontii de rusnaci fac prapad unde calca;
    hoardele mamii lor de macelari !!!
    va vine si voua randul …

  29. Gennady November 14, 2008

    Вот так и пишется история

  30. James November 23, 2008


  31. vania January 2, 2009

    Putin is the new Hitler. Welcome to the Sudetenland.

  32. Юрий February 14, 2009


  33. Martin April 7, 2009

    After reading your book, you look nothing like how I pictured you. This site shows the true colors of war. I thank you that. I would also like to thank you for your book, it is, and I mean this, the best book I’ve ever read.

    Thank you.

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