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Война в Южной Осетии: 89 фотографий Аркадия Бабченко

Этот пост целиком и полностью посвящен репортажу Аркадия Бабченко из зоны боевых действий в Грузии. Аркадий из Владикавказа добрался до Джавы, затем до Цхинвали, участвовал в штурме Земо-Никози, проследовал с батальоном “Восток” в направлении Гори и уже на пути туда вернулся на вертолете с ранеными.

Короткие заметки Аркадия о 4 днях на войне можете прочитать здесь:

Осторожно! Кадры боевых действий могут содержать шокирующую информацию!

в продолжении 88 фото, 15Mb

© : Аркадий Бабченко,

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  1. Dmitriy August 14, 2008

    Афигеть ты молодец… большое спасибо тебе за то что 1) решился на такой поступок 2) Всё это заснял 3) Ну и наверно хоть парочку этих каз**в завалил…

    Интересно ты просто фоткал или воевал тоже.

  2. Рыкованов Александр August 14, 2008

    Это надо запостить сладким западным жителям…
    Например в США.

  3. redlight August 14, 2008

    насколько же ваши средства массовой информации вам промыли мозги, если вы поддерживаете нападение одной страны на другую

    обидно :(

  4. dwigg August 15, 2008

    May God be with you in your struggle. My prayers are with the people of Georgia.

  5. Soeren August 15, 2008

    These illustrations show the hard truth!

  6. Deth Vegetable August 15, 2008

    Wow. Those photos are amazing. Nothing like this ever makes it into the media. Thank you.

  7. Yurik August 15, 2008

    мочить этих грузин надо в параше

  8. Karridine August 15, 2008

    I certainly HOPE these pictures bother some people! Rape is never ‘nice’, and these pictures document the RAPE of a Democratic, peaceful and MUCH SMALLER nation by Russian rapists!

    The Baha’i World Community is making efforts to help the abused victims of this terrible violence!

  9. gegywka August 15, 2008

    That is not Georgia. That is South Osetia! And that’s all done by fucking Saakashvili!

  10. Антон August 15, 2008

    ая-яй, а где же фото убитых и развороченых трупов русских солдат, чтоб на них посмотрели русские матери? ;-) или русская пропаганда боиться, чтоб против диктатора Путина население России не начало возмущаться? :-D
    или может быть русские солдаты круче Чака Нориса и оружие над ними не властно? :-D

  11. rick August 15, 2008

    I echo Deth Vegetable’s comment. Thank you for posting these.

  12. John Dovey August 15, 2008

    I have no idea who is wrong or right, or even what most of the issues are, but I wish you well my brothers in arms.

  13. undo81 August 15, 2008

    dwigg, stupid, this photos from Tshinvali, Osetia

  14. Joey August 15, 2008

    Putin is the new Hitler. Welcome to the Sudetenland.

  15. zach dygard August 15, 2008

    war is the ugliest thing ever. all these people have families. just imagine them all as your brother or sister and the pain starts to make you cry. if you dont cry, you dont feel the truth.

  16. Pope In Rome August 15, 2008

    Looks like war.

  17. rws August 15, 2008

    no words, russia should be wiped off from the face of earth. how can a single country hold so many morons and criminals?!

  18. really? August 15, 2008

    the russians suck.

  19. Don August 15, 2008

    “It is well that war is so terrible, or else we should get too fond of it.” – Robert E. Lee

    How many innocents must die before we lose our fondness of war? God save us all.

  20. Signend August 16, 2008

    Супер! Автор молодец, фотографии впечатлили. Война это не кино…

  21. Don August 16, 2008

    I’m with Deth Vegetable–the American media never reveals the entire truth. We have non-stop Olympic coverage, but very light coverage of the Georgian conflict.

  22. Rumata August 16, 2008

    Сдетонировавший в башне боекомплект – это жёстко!

  23. Ummon August 16, 2008

    Thank you for posting the pictures! I sympathize to all vicitms.
    Saaki is a war criminal and should be brought to justice.
    Most of the american comments here are from brain-washed people that even in the light of evidence call the black white.

  24. Abzdfg August 16, 2008

    A few quiz questions for Russia-bashing hypocrites:
    1. Which country started more wars: Russia or USA?
    (Answer: USA. They did the same thing you see here to Iraq (2x!!!), to Afghanistan, to Grenada. To name just a few.
    2. Which country do you see on the above pictures?
    It is SOUTH OSSETIA. The US backed invasion by Georgia.


  25. Nat August 16, 2008

    I completely agree with zach dygard.

    Don’t you guys get it. Its not just the Russians. Everyone is holding the gun, all of them are people with the same blood running through their veins yet their minds have been allied to stupid notions.

    War. Killing. Is not the answer.

    Thank you for posting.

  26. Victor August 16, 2008

    Ну вот, русские войска освобождают Грузию, так как освобождоли Венгрию в 1956 и Чехословакию в 1968. Точно так же Гитлер освобожал судетских немцев. Не могу понять русских – такая великая культура а рядом с ней живут такие жестокие люди. Я думаю что Путин нелучше сталина, такой же жестокий человек. А чего другого ожидать от человека принявшего вместо человеческой или если хотите християнской морали – принципы КГБ.

    For English speakers – never forget how Russia was “liberating” Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968. It is just the emperor Putin’s wish to control the energy supply to Europe and this “public spanking” of Georgia was rather an example of what will happen if some of the democratic countries decide to go there independent way. Never forget that this time Russia did attacked an independent democratic state braking basic principles of the international law!


  27. August 16, 2008

    вообще не важно уже кто на кого напал – вот результат – опустошение, трупы, разруха домов, потеря детей и родителей, контузии и психологические травмы на всю жизнь…

    очень легко болтать о политике и войне… а вовсе жестоко!

    Саакашвили на международный суд!

  28. psy__ August 16, 2008

    Hi guys,

    Do you know what is the license of this pictures. I want to publish them to another site (of course will place referrer to this page). Is this OK or not ?

  29. Akira August 16, 2008

    A real tragedy.

    Orthodox Christians again at war with each other, thanks to the USA. America’s al-Qaeda and Mujahadin allies must be happy today!

    THE NEW WORLD ORDER: Bosnia, Kosovo, Georgia:

  30. August 16, 2008


  31. Бранимир Бонев August 16, 2008


    Все авторские и смежные права на материалы, опубликованные на данном сайте, принадлежат их законным авторам

    Translation: All copyrights and similar rights to any materials published on this site belong to its rightful owners. (means: All rights reserved)

  32. hakan arici August 17, 2008

    Saakasvili has made a big mistake by trusting in America and Europe. As you see, America did nothing for georgia. Putin showed how serious he is. The real sonflict is between America and Russia, Georgia is only a muppet in this situation.

  33. Alper August 17, 2008

    toprak bütünlüğünü korumaya çalışan bi devletin iç işlerine müdahale etmemin savunulacak bir yanı yok.Rusyanın emperyalist tutumunun cezasını osetyadaki oset ve gürcü sivil halk çekiyor..yazık..

  34. Akira August 17, 2008

    Hakan Arici: “Saakasvili has made a big mistake by trusting in America and Europe.”

    Correction: “America has made a big mistake by trusting in Suckassfeely. Europe rejected Georgia.””

  35. Akira August 17, 2008

    Re: “Ну вот, русские войска освобождают Грузию, так как освобождоли Венгрию в 1956 и Чехословакию в 1968. Never forget how Russia was “liberating” Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968.”

    And remember how a GEORGIAN dictator “liberated” Finland, Bessarabia, Bukovina, Estonia, Latvia, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, North Korea, Bulgaria etc… …

  36. Güray August 17, 2008

    hiç kimse Saakashvili’nin masum olduğunu söyleyemez. aşırıya gitmeyin. bir yerde sivil halk ölüyorsa iki tarafta suçludur!!!!!

  37. ακιρα August 17, 2008

    Re: “hiç kimse Saakashvili’nin masum olduğunu söyleyemez.”

    That’s all γριικ to me.

    I wonder, do you speak any civilized languages?

    Even Dutch would be acceptable.

  38. Alex Rud August 17, 2008

    Hi, Aleksandr Bobchenko, I work as a photographer for the NY Post and my editors came across your website and were wondering if you can send me your contact information either in english or in Russian because I speak both languages. Call me at 1-917-370-1078 and I can forward you to the newspaper (Ya govoryu po ruskiy) I speak Russian.

    My name is Alex Rud (Sasha Rud)

  39. Elena August 18, 2008

    Аркадий! Спасибо за фото. Let God bless Russians.
    Nai se kala. Euxaristw. ( in Greek)

  40. gregg brat August 18, 2008

    This was all a plan was designed by the men behind john mccain……unfortunately my country isn’t being told the truth about how this came about.
    Thank goodness someone has the strength to tell the republicans in amerika,”stand back.stop interfering with Russia”.

  41. Smithers August 18, 2008

    holy crap dude.

  42. Elena August 18, 2008

    ακιρα said,

    Comment • August 17, 2008 @ 9:38 pm

    Re: “hiç kimse Saakashvili’nin masum olduğunu söyleyemez.”

    That’s all γριικ to me.

    I wonder, do you speak any civilized languages?

    polinesian will be better ;) such photos don’t need tourko comments. Great respect to journalist Arkadiy

  43. Akira August 18, 2008
  44. Keith August 19, 2008

    The players and the stage may change, but the song remains the same my friends.
    May God bless all the people of Georgia and grant their leaders wisdom to live in peace.

    War Pigs ~ Black Sabbath (1970)

    Generals gathered in their masses
    Just like witches at black masses
    Evil minds that plot destruction
    Sorcerers of deaths construction
    In the fields the bodies burning
    As the war machine keeps turning
    Death and hatred to mankind
    Poisoning their brainwashed minds, oh lord yeah!

    Politicians hide themselves away
    They only started the war
    Why should they go out to fight?
    They leave that role to the poor

    Time will tell on their power minds
    Making war just for fun
    Treating people just like pawns in chess
    Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah!

    Now in darkness, world stops turning
    As the war machine keeps burning
    No more war pigs of the power
    Hand of God has struck the hour
    Day of judgement, God is calling
    On their knees, the war pigs crawling
    Begging mercy for their sins
    Satan, laughing, spreads his wings

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